Men’s Group/Circle

Men’s Group

Men need other men…

There is something magical that happens when you get the boys together and be honest with each other. There is a ton of healing that needs to happen with male energy and being around guys who are on that path magnifies the experience.

I could spend a few moments to list some of the reasons why a Men’s Group is worthy, but as my boy would remind me, that’s what the internet is for. It simply comes down to what you want and how you will achieve it. Being with a group of Men, supporting each other’s growth and keeping each other accountable, will help create the highlight reels of your life.

Make the shift you want, having brothers help with the work makes the journey more meaningful and powerful.

What was that game where people would gather in a circle, do some extraordinary exercise, laugh, encourage each other, minimal chance of injury, and everyone left the group feeling good about themselves? Oh Yeah! Footbag!!! (Hacky Sack® is owned by Wham-O®)

This ultimate way of physical exercise has been around since time immemorial and shows up in cultures around the world. Japanese elite warriors would play Kemari before going into battle. Native Americans (Indians) would use the scrotum of a buffalo to kick around. Mindja, it was a dead buffalo or the second kick wasn’t as fun; lil bit different game!

If you’re in my hood, let’s meet up and kick it! If you’re somewhere else, go outside, find a place to kick it, have fun… other’s will come!

Best way I know how to fulfill the need for an amazingly fun, complete body, low impact, unbelievably portable, infinitely challenging workout. Play by yourself or make new friends anywhere in the world.

The Ultimate Game Changer!

Men’s Circle

Find out more…

If you are wanting to grow exponentially, join a men’s group! It doesn’t have to be this one, I am just offering an option. If you want to have fun, get into shape through exercising your core, meet new people, and enjoy life in a Playful way, bust out a hack and have at it!

If you have any questions or want to learn more, reach out to me…